3D Printing

serie production 3D printing batch
Design and Engineering

AET has extensive experience in engineering and radically optimizing existing designs to make full use of te 3D printing process flexibility.

AET's capability to think, design manufacture and finish leads to designs that are typically:

  • 70% lighter but just as strong,
  • integrating new functionalities impossible to achieve with classical technologies,
  • cost-effective.
3D printing (manufacturing)

AET prints Grade 5 Titanium Components using EBM technology, the most advanced metal printing technology available today.

AET prints components that have:

  • high strength,
  • high precision
  • no residual stress

The near-net shape, high-precision features produced straight from the printing machine require minimal or no finish processing.

detail of metal 3D printed tooling
spraying toolind made in additive manufacturing titanium

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